Chelsea Brinkley, an entrepreneur and rock star executive assistant, is sharing her journey today.

At the age of 29, Chelsea embarked on the journey of remote work after experiencing corporate burn out. As a successful Executive Assistant, Chelsea discovered her organizational strength and ability to set up systems and processes was a service that many entrepreneurs need. Coupling her skillset with her desire to break away from being tethered to an office building, Chelsea and her husband Jeff transitioned to the remote lifestyle.

In the remote world, the survival of the fittest is resourcefulness. Those who survive and thrive know when to Google and when to ask questions. Understanding how to find the “how to’s” of tools and ideas is what gives remote entrepreneurs the best edge in their industry. The ability to solve problems and offer outstanding service turns clients into raving fans and allows businesses to grow by word of mouth.

When considering a career path, it is important to ask hard questions. Can I do what I am doing until I retire? What steps do I need to take to live a life I truly love? With organization, follow through and resourcefulness, anything is possible.


Episode Resources:

Chelsea’s Software Recommendations

Trello – Project Management Tool

Slack – Communication Tool

Zoom – Communication Tool


Magical vacation planner at 407-442-0257 or go to and click on the banner


Connect with Chelsea:

Instagram: @travelbrinkley

Chelsea’s Email Management System Tutorial: