On this episode of Come Rain or Shine, Michelle Baker, former Director of Disney Institute and business leader at Disney Cruise Line, joins the show to discuss her career journey.

With over two decades at Disney, Michelle explains her pivot to Stoneledge Enrichment and how past roles primed her for entrepreneurial endeavors. Although successful as a cast member, the weight of working both streams in tandem with stressful family matters eventually led to restlessness and fatigue. Accordingly, Michelle, along with her son, started Stoneledge, an organization dedicated to merging leadership excellence and business solutions with health awareness.

An advocate of calming one’s inner chaos, Michelle and her team hope to inspire the next generation of leaders to pursue self-betterment through meditation, fitness, and nourishment. For more information about Stoneledge’s services, you can visit Michelle’s website below.


Website: https://www.stoneledgeenrichment.com/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellebakerkusala/

E-mail: michellebaker@gostoneledge.com

Connect with Dan:


Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dancockerell/

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/dancockerell/

Facebook – www.facebook.com/dancockerellspeaker