When we talk about vocational leadership, we often allude to the importance of situational awareness. After all, to be effective, you must be discerning at the moment.

However, as Jon Macaskill, Navy SEAL Commander and motivational speaker discusses in this episode, to be discerning requires a blend of mindfulness and meditation. For instance, a manager can know how to plan and delegate; however, until he knows how to calibrate in pressure situations, he cannot capitalize in pivotal circumstances.

As education in meditation, Jon provides insight on how to maximize mindfulness in corporate situations. From his experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan to his nonprofit for which he serves as Deputy Executive Director, Jon’s current mission is to help high-performance entities replace stress and anxiety with renewed focus and productivity.


Website: https://macaskillconsulting.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonmacaskill/

Deliberate Discomfort: https://www.amazon.com/Deliberate-Discomfort-Operations-Comfortable-Uncomfortable/dp/1733428011

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